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7 Answers

Na jaki film warto pójśc

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Chce się wybrać z Żoną na film ale nie wiem za bardzo na jaki. Może podpowiecie co wartego obejrzenia można teraz zobaczyć.

7 Odpowiedzi

  1. admin on cze 02, 2011

    Polecam „Kac Vegas II”
    Polski tytuł „Kac Vegas w Bankoku”

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  2. marta on cze 08, 2011

    Jeśli z Żoną to na jakis romantyczny film. Kobiety lubią takie rzeczy. Na Kac Vegas idź z kumplami.

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  3. Alexey on lip 05, 2014

    Jomeow, you may have over handled the dough which caeuss the crack. Work a little dough one at a time with remaining covered with damp cloth to prevent drying out. As u can see m last pic the cookies also lots of cracks cos they are balanced dough after numerous times of rolling out. U can add a few tsp milk but not too much

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  4. Karina on lip 21, 2014

    NEE: oh dear dear!..can see you are really upset. dont have new blog. maybe he needs a big scare. my yenogust only started turning over new leaf when he is 24 like last year, he almost got deported from aust because his attendance in class did not reach a minimum level. mum and dad almost broke down, so me and the other bro had to run to lawyers, employing immigration experts, short of going to court. tat was how i spent my last year hol in melbourne. he does seems much better after tat.and actually passed all his subjects up til now. dont think wey wey need to go tat far. but maybe can use the scare technique like no planning to send him overseas if he flunks. and hopefully a mummy’s prayers get to front of God’s queue.

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  5. Rasim on lut 19, 2015

    NEE: oh dear dear!..can see you are really upset. dont have new blog. maybe he needs a big scare. my ygneoust only started turning over new leaf when he is 24 like last year, he almost got deported from aust because his attendance in class did not reach a minimum level. mum and dad almost broke down, so me and the other bro had to run to lawyers, employing immigration experts, short of going to court. tat was how i spent my last year hol in melbourne. he does seems much better after tat.and actually passed all his subjects up til now. dont think wey wey need to go tat far. but maybe can use the scare technique like no planning to send him overseas if he flunks. and hopefully a mummy’s prayers get to front of God’s queue.

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  6. Armin on mar 26, 2015

    omgoodness. my eyes flooded rdeaing ur comment. u mean there r other tortured moms like me too?? honestly denise, if u only know how he is, u’ll cry with me!i haven’t been so depressed in a long time.d minute i walk away he’s playing imaginary war games with his hands. computer? i lock d room but still..what i hate r d LIES. „No hw today.” „I’ve done it in school”.AARRGGGGHHHH!UR mom sounds exactly like me. even my hub is walking 10 feet away.

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  7. Penka on kwi 27, 2015

    precious: as i look at d pic, i wish there’s some leftover. i think this is the kind of soup tt gets taeitsr after a few days. ur doggies look like they r hungry too!bet u were using some food to entice them when taking tt photo.look at his/her tongue.

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